
39 träffar på university of north carolina press

The Heart of Confederate Appalachia

The Heart of Confederate Appalachia | 2003

Av McKinney Gordon B

Pris fr. 362 kr

Jacques Roubaud and the Invention of Memory

Jacques Roubaud and the Invention of Memory | 2006

Författare saknas

Pris fr. 445 kr

Haya de la Torre and the Pursuit of Power in Twentieth-Century Peru and Latin America

Haya de la Torre and the Pursuit of Power in Twentieth-Century Peru and Latin America | 2018

Författare saknas


The Rise of Modern Business

The Rise of Modern Business | 2008

Av Mansel G. Blackford

Pris fr. 554 kr

The Works of Stefan George

The Works of Stefan George | 2020

Författare saknas

Pris fr. 397 kr

The Best of Enemies, Movie Edition

The Best of Enemies, Movie Edition | 2019

Av Davidson Osha Gra

Pris fr. 260 kr

Henry Wallace's 1948 Presidential Campaign and the Future of Postwar Liberalism

Henry Wallace's 1948 Presidential Campaign and the Future of Postwar Liberalism | 2015

Av Devine Thomas W

Pris fr. 428 kr

The History and Present State of Virginia

The History and Present State of Virginia | 2018

Av Robert Beverley

Pris fr. 385 kr

The Construction of Textual Authority in German Literature of the Medieval and Early Modern Periods

The Construction of Textual Authority in German Literature of the Medieval and Early Modern Periods | 2014

Författare saknas

Pris fr. 372 kr

The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean

The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean | 2022

Av Carolina López-Ruiz m fl

Pris fr. 399 kr

Central Prison

Central Prison | 2021

Av Taylor Gregory S

Pris fr. 445 kr

The Thing about Religion

The Thing about Religion | 2021

Författare saknas

Pris fr. 322 kr


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